Install office webapp server for SP2013

It is straight forward and there are lot of articles explaining it but my case is little different. Office web app server was installed and configured to run with http and SP dev server was using it. I will discuss how to change this to https, which in turn covers how to install office webapp server (WAC) for SharePoint 2013 to work internally and externally. If you are installing from scratch then you can follow . This will install office webapp server and you will need to do few more steps for it to work with SharePoint.

To remove the existing http configuration.

  1. Remove-OfficeWebAppsMachine
  2. Insall SSL certificate on the office web app server IIS. One way to do it Go to IIS ->Server certificates -> Import or google it.

Create a new office Webapps farm with https

  1. New-OfficeWebAppsFarm -InternalUrl “”  -ExternalUrl “” -CertificateName “OfficeWebApps Certificate” -EditingEnabled
  • –InternalURL is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the server that runs Office Web Apps Server, such as
  • –ExternalURL is the FQDN that can be accessed on the Internet.
  • –CertificateName is the friendly name of the certificate.
  • –EditingEnabled is optional and enables editing in Office Web Apps when used with SharePoint 2013. This parameter isn’t used by Lync Server 2013 or Exchange Server 2013 because those hosts don’t support editing

For the ease  of setting up internal and external URL’s I choose it to be the same. Lets say . While settign up DNS you can make this as alias and use fully FQDN to point to the office server. You need to set this up in the internal DNS and external DNS. So I command I used to create office webapps Farm is

New-OfficeWebAppsFarm -InternalUrl “” -ExternalUrl “” -CertificateName “OfficeWebApps Certificate” -EditingEnabled

2. After its installed you can verify by going to and you will see an XML. Or you can use Get-OfficeWebAppsFarm power shell command and verify all the details.

Set up Sharepoint to use https office webapps

  1. Creating biding using  New-SPWOPIBinding -ServerName
  2. check the Zone using Get-SPWOPIZone . It will show only internal.
  3. Set up external Zone using Set-SPWOPIZone -Zone “external-https”


Make sure you aren’t logged on as System Account because you won’t be able to edit or view the documents with Office Web Apps. You should be able to open office docs internally or externally in the browser.

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